Monday, March 24, 2008

Am I REALLY Two Events Behind In Posting? heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go!!!

First off we had the Bad Demo Hair party and man, there is some BAD demo hair out there I gotta say. I thought I had the bad hair rockin with my trailer park princess styled do.
This is some of the worst hair ever, btw. The alpha textures are floating all around. If the version you pay for is better than this I'd love to know why she put the demo out like this.
Some lovely demos rocked the place however. Even Maht and Furrball broke out the demo hair and enjoyed a tango.

And NEVER let it be said that Vic doesn't attend events or participate. Here you see him sporting some LOVELY BIB Mens' hair that I'm sure he had stuck in inventory somewhere. Probably in with that box of his nipples I almost stole last year.
Looking FINE Vic.
Or something like that.
I might be exaggerating.

Boopzee came and rocked not just one bad hairstyle but SEVERAL also all from Sinsations (noticeably lacking crazy alpha textures floating around although they were crazy).
All in all it was a lot of fun seeing what sort of hideousness everyone had tucked away in inventory. As always, Silo came in style.

It was great

And now I can quit threatening to have that party, can't I?

Our next BIG event was the Easter Party and we told you to bring your Easter Bonnet with all the frills upon it and we had lots of GREAT outfits!
As you can tell, Vicente Bolero is one hot guy, with rabbit like habits. No WONDER the ladies LOOOOOVE him. I mean, what a mug!

Both Anna Decuir AND Lacie Jewell were able to make it (I can't find my picture of Lacie I think SL ate it darnit!) and it was awesome to see these ladies!

And we were joined by the recently partnered Dinee and Doc - who were absolutely fabulously fashionable as always. Dinee gave us some awesome items for the raffle! Thanks so much Dinee!

Boopzee brought the Easter Fashion and so did Silo again this week. I guess we didn't specify Easter Holiday and not Easter Island, now did we?

Our big winner was Boran Horan! Congrats Boran! Not exactly in an Easter Bonnet.......but the people voted! Boopzee decided to end the night as an Easter Basket. Fun choice eh?

For some reason, unknown to me, I have no pictures of Cajsa from that night. And she was totally cute.
We were all very glad that you came out! And as always, ALL the photos will be on FLICKR

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