Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gidge and Silo's Holiday Party

Silo and I hosted our Holiday Party at Wang Manor on the 14th. Thanks to everyone who came and spent a fun evening with us! Silo went to a great deal of trouble creating a Winter Wonderland at our estate in Quiricosta.

But the real fantastic addition to the property was what is possibly the biggest Snow Globe in all of Second Life. It was INSIDE this that we actually held the party! Here is a shot from early in the night!

Everyone looked fantastic in their finest formal holiday wear! I chose to wear a holiday gown from DeGroot (DG) - you can find them in search - I forgot to pick up their landmark out of my inventory and dammit SL is down right now.
Here are some snaps from the party!

Again Silo and I thank everyone who attended and look forward to seeing you all soon!

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