Monday, April 21, 2008


Asisti a la Fiesta en honor a Gidge... y la verdad estuvo genial... Gidge eres lo mejor y sin ti nada es posible en SL... gracias por ser como eres... besitos keka bella.... mmuuaacckkkssss
Cajsa y Silo le organizaron la fiesta... y la verdad la pasamos genial aunque yo llegue tarde... jajajaj
Todos los amigos de Gidge estuvieron presente y hasta bien pasada la noche celebrando este gran homenaje a Gidge...Gidge te mereces eso y mucho mas... jajaj
Quisimos demostrar en esta fiesta lo importante que es Gidge para todos nosotros y para SL... su abundante carisma, apoyo incondicional en lo necesario hace de esta keka GRANDE en todo sus sentidos....
My message for u: You are a very nice person ... It’s very difficult to find a nice, honest and a good people in SL… You have given me the welcome, the support and the help that I needed when I started to work with Vicious ... I know that we didn’t have time to enjoy us… because we have to much difference of hours between USA and Lebanon but I want to say you with certainty that you are a very special person for me… In the moments that I need your help u always give to me… So I take this opportunity to tell u thank you very much for all the little and big things you do that mean so much to me ... You can find me any time if u need me… Its pleasure for me to work with u… its pleasure for me if u considerer me your friend not only in SL and in RL too… …A big Hug and many kisses for u… mmuuaacckkkssss. Preciosa Benelli

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