Friday, November 9, 2007

Nice to meet you. I'm Alice!!

***Japanese will be translated into English through the translation site, and we deliver these sentences. ***

All parts of the world alone are not done, and hello.
My name is Alice07 Barzane.
私の名前は、Alice07 Barzaneです。

The member of Vicious Studio calls me Alice.
Vicious Studioのメンバーは、私のことをAliceと呼びます。

I am Japan regional charge of Vicious Studio.
私は、Vicious Studioの日本地域担当です。

The main work with Vicious Fairy is to be done with Vicious Studio, and to translate the Event, Bargain Sale information, and New Store information, etc. into Japanese, and to announce to the user in Japan.
Vicious Fairyでの主な仕事は、Vicious Studioで行われる、イベント、特売情報、新店舗情報などを日本語に翻訳して、日本のユーザにアナウンスすることです。

Each facilities in Vicious Studio is a design very kind to Newbie of just the start of Second Life.
Vicious Studio内にある各施設は、Second Lifeを始められたばかりの、Newbieに対して、非常に親切な設計となっています。

In Vicious Fairy and Mens, the commodity that it is very low-priced and the quality is high is offered. Commodity that Skin, the hair, and the pupil make a set and the undergarment is various. Of course, a beautiful dress is offered at a low price.
Vicious FairyとMensでは、非常に低価格で品質の高い商品を提供します。

Moreover, various events have been held in Vicious Hypnoz. Simultaneously, Camp only for Vicious Mall Member is set up everywhere in facilities, and if it is Group Menber, Camp that the rate is high can be used.
また、Vicious Hypnozでは、各種イベントを開催しています。
それと共に、施設の随所には、Vicious Mall Member専用のCampが設置されており、Group Menberであれば、レートの高いCampを利用することが出来ます。

The expense of important money can be made a minimum by using these facilities.
And, separating in the short span of time according to the figure of Newbie becomes possible.

Please visit our Vicious Fairy once by all means. And, please confirm it by your eyes.
We will wait for coming of everybody ..STAFF everyone...
ぜひ一度、私達のVicious Fairyを訪問して下さい。

Thank you.

Alice07 Barzane

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