Sunday, February 17, 2008

Best In Red At Vicious Hypnoz

We had an excellent turnout for Best In Red! With a variety of red apparel being displayed from elegant evening gowns (like the one on Yuko Pinklady here) to little sexy club numbers to a full on red dragon (Such as worn by Mathew Loring our Best in Red Men's Winner of $L500!) Mathew is pictured dancing with Ada Parnell who won lots of great prizes in our raffles also!

Even Vic broke out the red (leather) and a red mohawk to go with his guns and he donated $L4000 to cover prizes AND to give cash give aways which we did all night to everyone's delight.
Everyone it was awesome to see everyone as usual and I think we all had a great time. You can expect to see more night time events at Hypnoz in addition to our regular mall events!

Cajsa and I had scavenged all over Second Life for excellent prizes to give away and I think we had some really different items this time around! I know I focused on trying to make sure I had more GUY stuff than I usually do. After all, although it's TRANS I still think it's probably more fun for the guys to win something they can actually keep.

Here you see see Cajsa and Boran Horan (who won the Hypnoz Best in Black event last week!) and some others showing their Lady in Red style.

My friend Hoshiko came by for a while. I think I am going to have to buy her some clothes, I think I've seen her in that dress like five times. SHOCKING! Pictured below is Sable Heartsdale on the left, our Lady's Winner for best in red and Phrost Whiteberry, who owns Garr Bauge art studio. Does it look like I have a whip in my hand there in the back ground?

Pictured above with the awesome raven hair is Lauren Mureaux - the latest addition to the Vicious, who will be working for Cajsa and I at Vicious Mall and Hypnoz Events. Please be sure to say hi to her if you see her around the Island! It was also great to see some Vicious Japan members like Yuko Pinklady (pictured at top) and Autumn Hoisan (below) who came and rocked out and both won some fun prizes.
Demonchylde Oh (did I spell that right?) brought a fun Urban Punk look to the party and she was one of our winners of some of Vics money $L500!
Silo met the criteria for Red in his own excellent fashion by showing up at Randy from A CHRISTMAS STORY.
I'm fairly sure I have some more snaps and Cajsa may have some too. I'll get them up on FLICKR in the next day or so! And as always feel free to email any you took at !!

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